Are you in a woman's small group; one where you encourage each other and have more than a few good laughs? Are you developing trust there?
I have such a group (we call ourselves the Velveteen Women). We've been meeting together for 12+ years. When you experience true, God-honoring relationships through groups, you want more. And while I have other groups that fit that criteria ( through my profession; Coaching Circles, and Celebrate Recovery ), I still can't stop thinking what other groups are possible.
There still can be some negative experiences in these groups, but we talk about our issues/differences and move to a better, deeper relationship. I am thankful for the women in my life who love Jesus and want more from their relationship with Him and each other than superficial Sunday School answers.
If you're looking for true, God-honoring relationships with women email me with your ideas for topics and issues we can develop a group around.
Question for you? What would you tell younger Christian women about the need for true relationships if you had a bunch of them together for a day?