I'm finding many women are like me, they find it difficult to admit they lack self acceptance. It's hard to accept yourself when you don't know who you are and don't think you are valuable enough to be loved the way you are.
The answer I found is in the classic Children's tale, The Velveteen Rabbit: "Real isn't how you are made, it's a thing that happens to you when a child loves you for a long, long time."
Whenever we encounter and receive unconditional love from someone it can't help but bring us personal freedom and acceptance. This freedom allows us to become our true selves; free to express ourselves without fear of rejection, judgment or ridicule. Also, this new freedom allows us to give the same unconditional love to others.
As Christians, we need safe relationships to learn and keep experiencing unconditional love and acceptance. We need to ask ourselves, "What are you doing with the love God has freely given to you"? Are we rejecting it because we don't feel valuable enough? We need reminders of what God's love is all about.
So, I offer groups (Coaching Circles, therapy groups) so women can explore in unconditional, safe environments, who they are, find self-acceptance, succeed at being themselves, and find the confidence and freedom to be who God created them to be.
Interested in the next Coaching Circle? Contact me at terrylynn2005@comcast.net
I am enjoying the journey on the road to REAL and helping other women get on the journey with me.
Here are some resources I have found helpful in the search to "Find the Real Me":
The Velveteen Rabbit, Margery Williams
The Velveteen Woman, Brenda Waggonner
The Real Me, Being the girl God sees, Natalie Grant
How to Succeed at being Yourself, Joyce Meyer
Building a Compassionate Relationship with Yourself, Kim Fredrickson
Lessons I'm learning from the Velveteen Rabbit